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WWF Sea Without Litter Certificate

Thank you very much for inviting me over for the “A Plastic Ocean” screening (although it seems like most of them has watched it). But the crowd was very delightful! Please see attached for the soft copy certificate of our gratitude to South China Diving Club’s participation in our project.

Although our “Sea Without Litter” project has come to an end, it does not mean WWF’s work is done. Your continuous support to our ocean conservation work is highly vital. Feel free to contact me if you have suggestions and ideas to help protect our sea! I will also update everyone from the project with information and resources if they are relevant and useful to you.

Thank you very much!

Keep in touch,

Joke/ Ms. Kwong

Ms. Kwong Chi Yu 鄺止儒小姐

Project Officer, Marine 項目主任 (海洋)

WWF-Hong Kong 世界自然基金會香港分會

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