Hi Everyone, we had another successful club dive on Sunday with the Islands Junk ex ABC. This time, it took us back to the canons and anchors in Po Toi. After rain kept pouring down all Saturday, Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day with very calm waters. Visibility was still quite good with pretty warm water. All in all, again everyone enjoyed a great day out! Here are our up-dates for this week:
SCDC Website Up-Dates
Latest Dive Schedule - INCLUDING Club Dive ex Sai Kung on Saturday Sep 24th!!
Dive Camp on Nov 12th and 13th
SCDC Website Up-Dates - Added Blog post "Largest Cleanup in History" http://www.scdc.org.hk/single-post/2016/09/13/The-largest-cleanup-in-history - Added pictures under Galleries - "Training" from our currently running Ocean Diver course. http://www.scdc.org.hk/training-days Latest Dive Schedule - INCLUDING Club Dive ex Sai Kung on Saturday Sep 24th!! We have scheduled a Dive on Saturday, September 24th ex Sai Kung!! Diving from there with our own chartered boat after quite a few years offers us great dive destinations including some wrecks, lots of marine life and usually shallower and less challenging dive conditions than on the South Side of Hong Kong. This boat is family-friendly, so you are very welcome to bring family members or friends if they are interested. Following is the remaining September schedule: Departure Date DM Boat Sai Kung Saturday Sep 24th Mike Belshaw New Boat (Tso Wo Hang) (pls contact ADM james.smith@blackmountainhr.com with mikebelshaw@hotmail.com in cc) Tai Po Sunday Sep 25th Mark Kelly Small Boat markkelly00@gmail.com Please notify your relevant DM/ADM with your name, mobile number, number of tanks you'd like and your diver grade if you want to join any of the Dives. Dive Camp on November 12th and 13th This year's SCDC Dive Camp is planned for the 12th November weekend. We'll head out with the boat on Saturday morning, do some dives, then head to a beach, set up our tents with expectedly substantial amounts of food and booze to be absorbed, stay overnight and next morning head back to the boat with possibly some more dives if we don't suffer from a hangover... ;-) Please contact Mike Belshaw mikebelshaw@hotmail.com , if you want to be part of this event. To get an idea what the SCDC dive camps of the last years looked like, have a glance on our website gallery too and stay tuned for further up-dates... See you on Thursday at ABC!
It is Club policy that all divers must carry a DSMB on Club dives.
Anyone whose name is on the list at 10:30pm on Thursday evening prior to the dive will be charged the boat fee and for any tanks/equipment they have ordered.
All divers must also have their proof of qualification and dive log with them for possible inspection by the DM in order to be able to dive.
It is Club policy that we must have fun!
Please go to our excellent website to get the latest news, information and pictures from diving in Hong Kong at
Got something to say? Send a message to announce@scdc.org.hk and we'll add it to this newsletter!
Please join us on Facebook where all members can share comments, pictures and announce events at https://www.facebook.com/groups/scdc1097/
Don't miss a club dive ever again! Add the SCDC Google Calendar to your personal calendar to be notified of the latest events automatically! https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=info%40scdc.org.hk&ctz=Asia/Hong_Kong Just copy the link above into your calendar application.
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